Move Through Motivation

Move Through Motivation's Fundraiser

Encouraging all the kids out there to run 100 miles! image

Encouraging all the kids out there to run 100 miles!

Join me and help make a difference for kids across the country.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$360 towards $500

Join me in supporting real change in the lives of students across the country. Help us create Healthy, Happy, Connected Kids® with 100 Mile Club.

Just $15 can support a child for an entire YEAR in 100 Mile Club, and will go a long way to helping me meet my goal.

The 100 Mile Club Story

30 years ago one teacher, in one classroom, made a commitment to her students - to help them find joy in school and discover true personal success. With the goal to make fitness a way of life she challenged them to run or walk 100 miles in a single school year.

The success of these students led to the formation of the 100 Mile Club, an award-winning, national nonprofit organization that currently serves students in thousands of schools across all 50 states.

Who does the 100 Mile Club serve?

  • all kids
  • all regions
  • all populations
  • all abilities

The 100 Mile Club transcends race, gender, ability, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle and helps schools sustain and celebrate daily physical activity in a nonthreatening, supportive, and fully-inclusive environment.

The 100 Mile Club is celebrating 30 years of running strong, and commemorating this special MILEstone with our HUGE Run4Kids 48-Hour Running Party and FundRACE!

Donations to the Run4Kids 2023 FundRACE will help fund the 100 Mile Club and their students, schools, and programs for years to come.